activistic design

How are norms and values related to labor in the analog world preserved in the digital world?

Idea, art direction, production

Jeroen Icks

Challenge, context & objectives

How are norms and values related to labor in the analog world preserved in the digital world? Since we’re going to live our lives more digital, at social media but also within the Metaverse, a fair working conditions policy to protect the digital workers becomes urgent.

Insights & strategy

Facebook users earn 5,000 euro per year(1) for Facebook, which makes them unpaid workers of Facebook. The Facebook Labor Union starts a petition action to create better working conditions for the unpaid workers of Facebook on

The goal of this action is to make Facebook and their users aware of the fact that Facebook has to take responsibility of the digital working conditions of their users.

(1) Amount of money per year based on ARPU 2nd quarter of 2021. At that time the average time active users spend on Facebook was 35 minutes per day.

Bringing the strategy & idea to life

Facebookers could actually clock in at work. The Facebook Clocker makes it possible to track the money you earn for Facebook real time.
It started with an analogue prototype. The union created a Google Chrome extension of the tool. That made it possible to track the time you work for Facebook and money you earn for them realtime.

The results

The invoice was physically delivered to the Facebook headquarters in Amsterdam to make Facebook aware of the fact that they should take action.

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