critical design

How can Jungs architype circle be relevant in an inclusive society?


Donovan Dorn
Jamie Lim
Luca Izarin
Sam Pulverer
Vera Rombout
Jeroen Icks

Art direction & production

Jeroen Icks

Challenge, context & objectives

Carl Jung is quite known for his use of conceptual archetypes in his theory of the human psych. Study Jung’s archetypes and the brand-archetype model. Find and replace each image of an archytype with a contemporary representation of the architypes.

Insights & strategy

The theatre play about racism in the Netherlands ‘A Seat at the Table’ from Black Sheep Can Fly made Jeroen aware of the different perspectives of various people and how they behave in varied circumstances. Unwanted behaviour can be a reaction of exclusion.(1)

Bringing the strategy & idea to Life

These insights resulted in an inclusive guide excluding stereotypes. Using a female bee keeper. And the dog as archetype for jesters.

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